I always figured it was their curiosity when they see something and start to look into it.
John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
John Aquila
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
Beth Sarim
1995 Generation Teaching was a great tipping point for me too. I was never, ever the same in the ''truth'' again. ''Badly fractured'', so to speak.
I remember the time when they implied that the generation that saw 1914, “MIGHT DIE”
I believe that was a little earlier perhaps 1990. But I was never the same after that. I stepped down as an elder. Still, it took me many years to finally see.
done4good Thanks for that link, it really explains a lot for me.
I told him that I did it on my won and he told he that it was very difficult to get yourself out of a cult. At that moment I felt a wave of emotion come over me as this was the first time that I had been commended for all the work and mental stress I had been through for the last year plus.
I have always felt that those of us who woke up have something unique that differentiates us from the rest of the world. We seem to have some innate ability to reason, think, and pull ourselves out of the most difficult situations a human can be enslaved to. In other words, we can think our way out of dangerous situations. Not many people can do that. We should be able to do anything we set our minds to.
Bending Truth- A look at Cognitive Dissonance by Theramin Trees
by OnTheWayOut ina reflection on the importance of acknowledging that we can all be manipulated.. this is an excellent presentation on the problems with leaving the group, problems with disagreeing with the group, why recruiting children is important to religions..
John Aquila
Did you notice what was said at the 14:15 mark;
Adult recruitment are more of a bonus than a necessity for major religions who are guarantee a steady influx of child recruits
This gives us the reason why the WT is not to concern about new adults members coming into the organization or why they don’t give a hoot when adult members leave the organization.
The “Child Recruits” are what is keeping the Organization’s head above water. These young children who are baptized at 6 to 16 years of age will finance the Organization for the next 30 years before they wake up. Once they wake up to ttatt, who cares if they leave and get disfellowshipped, a new batch of “Child Recruits” is on the way.
According to the video, adult recruitment is a bonus but not necessary for the WT Organization to thrive, Child Recruits is what keeps them going.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
So far, not one person woke up as a result of a confrontation with someone shouting with a sign at a convention.
Makes me wonder if the YouTube videos where someone is demonizing the Governing Body or the Watchtower has helped anyone wake up.
Calm dialogue seems to be the best way to help someone wake up. And keeping it simple since JWs aren't able to process to much information at one setting. Expecialy about TTATT.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
I remember going on the internet and on social media, I typed in "Jehovah's witnesses" to see if I could follow some. But I randomly found out a little information on a post from an "apostate
And here I am.
Yep, here you are!
If I would have gone through your experience, I would have named my avatar CrazyJohn.
We went ahead with the surgeon's recommendations, and she is with us here all fixed up!
Our daughter number 2 went through the same thing a few years later, and success again. Them surgeons are the best.
So for us, it was a fellow believer who had doubts, and the stressful situation that helped us wake up.
That’s a great story, thanks for sharing.
Preaching on a cold winter day in 2007 I walked with my lovely wife in a small village noticing that all people were watching us but didn't open the doors. I told my wife, this is my last day in field service. We never went again. The same with attending the meetings. In 2012, after attending, I told my wife, this is the last time I attend a meeting. She agreed with it
That’s great Gorby, especially that your wife stayed by your side.
58 years, Wow, you are Living proof that it’s never too late and never give up on family learning TTATT.
Thank you all for you insights, I'm sure your comments are going to help not only us but lurkers reading the experiences.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
Pete Zahut
Wow, that story is unreal. It's a shame she never became aware of the real truth. What's amazing is the same thing that encouraged her (Beth S.) is the same thing that woke you up. TTATT never stops from bewildering me.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
There is no way that full-indoctrinated cult members can ever have a real, authentic relationship with another cult member
What a great reminder. We sometimes believe that cult members are like family, but they would abandon us in a second if it clashed with the Governing Body’s direction
disillusioned 2
Started going through wt volumes which dated back to 1960. Couldn't find anything about '75. Went on internet, ......... found it! I was thrilled. I was right. I wasn't going mad. Went to the volumes and we had the one it was in. 1968. From that point I became obsessed about proving them wrong. I spent hours over months, even dreaming about what I was reading. I couldn't sleep properly.
Ha, my story exactly.
I've also come to realize that if others are to do the same in my congregation or my still-in family then they too must do the journey I did, me telling them does little, all I can do is point them to areas and subjects to research.
This is the hardest thing to accept, the family has to do the journey and all we can do is point the way.
A co-worker told me about the Candice Continue case. At the time, as the sole provider of my family, I was struggling to put anything in the contribution box. Finding out that what little I could afford was being paid to victims of child molestation amongst the JWs infuriated me.
I went through the same thing Rick, I know the feeling. It really sucks.
Nobody like Rick Fearon with a bullhorn would have woke me up. It had to be on my own.
If it wasn’t for sites like this, I would really feel all alone. That would not be good for my mental health.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
i realize that while i was "asleep", i was being awakened by small nudges.
The nudges, I got them to, my response was, “Just let me sleep for a few more minutes” Those minutes turned into years.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
Mine started one day in the Kingdomhall library room about 12 years ago. It didn't affect me until years later, but what happened on that day sowed seeds of doubt that would lay dormant for another decadeThis seems to be a common denominator with most of us. Unfortunately the bad thing about this is that life is so short. So 10-15 years is a life time. In that amount of time a person could be a heart surgeon. That is what is evil about the Watchtower. They know it takes a while to figure out that they are false manipulators, so they prey especially on the young. Once the young find out something is wrong, it most likely will take some 15 years to figure out enough and act. By then a 20 year old will be 35 years old, and a 25 year old will be 40 years old. Almost to late to go back to school. That's how they ruin lives.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
Since then I haven't met any real life ex Jw's.I've met one in real life also, but your statement made me think. There are only 8 million Jehovah's witnesses world wide. I believe in the United States there is a little over one million Witnesses. Out of one million Witnesses in the U.S. I wonder how many have woken up?? Probably not many. So the likely hood of meeting live EXJW is very slim. Plus the fact that we fade and don't publicize it doesn't help. I guess you could say, we are of--"The Little Flock, The Remnant, The Chosen Ones"